CONGRATULATION... HERE Are Your Success Gifts, Tools & Trainings!

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Total Speaker Success... 
   Profit Power Revealed! (30m)

Discover 'THE' Money Making Marketing Magic Secrets To Success and How YOU Can Create Profit Producing People Partnerships and Grow Your Business Bottom Line AND Not Break The Bank!

As A Matter of Fact... PEOPLE Are The Single Largest Naturally Reoccurring Resource and Indicator of Your Ongoing and on GROWING Success!

~ No People... NO Success!
~ Know People... KNOW SUCCESS!

See HOW We Serve People & Partners For WIN 4x!
(Win! WIN! W-I-N! W*I*N! $uccess!)

   Chat With DEAN       

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Total Speaker Success Digital Gift Pack
25 Digital Power Tools!

AMAZING Digital Resource Reveals (At-Least) “25 Killer Connection Point Tools” & Digital Access Gateways With That are all 100% FREE! - - Online Conference, Video/Audio Connection and Communication Tools, Platforms and Resources You Can Use Right Now! - FAST, FREE & EZ-PZ! - - This OnGROWING Resource Weapon of Mass Instruction, For Your Access! - We are honored and delighted to share this cool, killer gift resource with you! Enjoy! - - “Total Speaker Success” is Doing Our Part To Help YOU To "Bridge The Gap Between High-Touch & High-Tech" and back again... Reach Out & Connect! - No Pitch, ‘opt-in’ or even download… 100% Free Online Digital Document. Just Click and Go!

Grab Your Free Gift Here!


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68 Amazing, Awesome, Incredible Digital Marketing Video Magic Resources To Grow Your Business! -- Welcome To Your Video & Digital Magic Online Resource Guide AND The Improved Connection, Communication and Conversion Tools and Resources That Will Help You Grow Your Ability To Have More Influence, Impact and Income Online & Off! -- Digital Marketing and Video Magic Is WHERE It’s At NOW! If you are now joining the Video Magic (R)Evolution, You Are Already Waaaaay Far Behind The Curve In Your Online and Offline Business Success!

We Are HERE To Help You FIX THAT Right Now! -- Most of these killer resources are 100% FREE or very low fee (and many/most offer a Pro level upgrade, even with a Free Trial Period, but NOT Required for full access and use!)  create, curate, combine, edit video at the click of a mouse button…  ENJOY This Ah-Mazing Resource Guide as You Go On and GROW-ON In Your VIDEO MAGIC Digital (R)Evolution Now! 

You GIFT Resource Here Now!

Music Matters Cover Image

100% FREE & Royalty Free Music, FX and Resources For Your Programs and Products! -- Sound and Music Have a Profound Impact On Your Brand, Your Audience and The Indelible Experience You Create For Your Followers and Listeres. Whether it’s a Broadcast, PodCast Or an Audio / Video Production Representing Your Presentation, People WILL Remember How You Make Them FEEL and Music Has a Unique Power Like No Other To Generate a Powerful & Lasting Emotional Impact… Like It Or Not! - - Being Particular and Selective is a Gift To The Folks You Aim To Serve. - This Catalog Of Tested, Tried and True Resources has Taken A Lifetime To Filter and Bring You Only The TOP Resources That Will Help Your Generate The Real RESULTS You Long To Create!

Digital Gift Access HERE!

ATTENTION!: How About Even MORE OnGoing & OnGrowing Success Support, Tools, Trainings, Tips, Templates & Resources To GROW Your Business Now Fast, Fun & EZ-PZ!?! - Request To JOIN Our Closed-Door, Member Only Community Group On Facebook For More Connections, Networking, Downloadable Assets and Gifts To Serve YOU and Your Amazing Success!
Request To JOIN Your Member Only Family HERE... NOW!

The Magic

Secret Sauce Success For Your Live Digital Event Success!

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"Make Massive Money Doing What You Love!"...'Especially' In This Digital (R)Evolution! - NOW More Than Ever!

The "SECRETS To Success" Are Really Little More Than SimpleTransferable METHODS For Achieving  Real Results In Your Speaking Business! ~ More Than 40 years and  30,000 Real, Live Proven, Powerful, Profit-Producing Presentations, Principles and Processes of Real World Speakers Including The Sheer Volume of Real-World Experience & Outcomes Revealed So That YOU Make Money NOW!

Profitable Bookings & Events On Demand!
Command You Own Highly Profitable Bookings & Events (Literally) Anytime YOU Want! No More Waiting To Speak & Make Money!

Piles of Powerful Pre-Paid Profits!
Grow Your Message Into a Massive Money Making Marketing Machine Before, During & After Your Highly Profitable Events!

Pack Events! ...With The RIGHT People!
Uncover The Super-Secret Source For Packing Your Events To The Brim at Zero Cost and Very Little Effort! Seriously, This is MAGIC!

Pay-It-Forward Partnerships That Rock!
Partner With People Who Desperately Want To Work With You! Have Buyers BEG You To Work With Them! NOW More Than Ever!

"PACK Your Events!"

Epic, Event-FULL Way To PACK Your (Digital) Events With (The Right) PEOPLE and Pay It Forward With (Real) PROFITS For Your Sold Out Event Success!

From Zero To HERO with:

...NO Event-FULL List!

...NO Event-FULL Expense!

...NO Event-FULL Expertise!

...NO Event-FULL Experience!


"Profitable Partnerships!"

Make Even MORE Money Starting As Soon As TODAY From Every Event With Profitable Partnerships That ROCK With Real RESULTS With Our Super Sponsor Success Secrets Revealed!

...More Reach!

...More Rewards!

...More Results!

...More Revenue!

"Perfect Product Profits!"

Turn You Ideas Into Income, Your Passion Into Profits, Your Advice & Experience Into Incredible Insights Into Influence & Impact With Your Own Million Dollar Information & Marketing Business!

...Fast! ...Fun!

...Financially Fantastick!

Outrageous & EZ-PZ!

Don't Take Our Word For It...

Bralynn Newby

Message Architect

...PACK Your Events With People & Profits!

"Dean Hankey is a Rock-Star Marketer! He can take any speaker and have them wowing the crowd... meaning that he mentored them so that they had a CROWD to wow too!"

Joel Bauer

The Mentor's Mentor!

...PARTNER With The Right People!

“With over 3 decades of stage experience and true expertise in all phases of the marketing process… Dean is an asset  - knows the business inside/out!” 

Adryenn Ashley


...Pay It Forward and PROFIT!

"Dean Is AMAZING! ...Innovation and The Collision of Entertainment & Technology! Couldn't Be More Perfect! ...The Audience Will Be On Fire!" 

Our BILLION Dollar Dream...

Our Aim Is To Generate A Billion Dollars For Non-Profit Organizations, Educational Initiatives, Business, Faith-Based Foundations and Charitable Cause Groups on a Local, Regional, National and International Basis!

...and We Need YOUR HELP! (We Can NOT Do It All Alone!)

The VIP "Pay It Forward and Profit", Total Speaker Success Movement Is A Selective, Closed-Door Family Member Community Group Of “Passion Professionals” (Mostly Presenters & Performers, Educators & Entertainers, Speakers, Trainers, Authors, Experts AND BusinessPreneurs) Who Are Committed To Help You Explore and Produce More & Effective Ways To “Pay It Forward and Profit” and "SERVE Your Way To Success!”!

An International Group of Speakers, Authors, Experts & Authorities Who Are Mission-Minded Business Leaders & Passion Professionals Who Challenge Each Other To "Do Great Things" In Our Respective Communities. Together, Generating In Excess of 20 Millions Dollars Globally (as Noted, Looking To Generate a Billion on a Regular Basis) For Business, Non-Profit Organizations, Educational Initiatives, Faith-Based Foundations and Charitable Cause Groups For Local, Regional, National and International Impact!

Let Us Know How We Can Serve, Support and Encourage YOU and Your Success!   |

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