KISS 2X! "ACTION Will Outperform Ideas and Intentions Alone Every Time!"
Just DO IT!
STOP Over Complicating What Is Very, VERY Simple! (We ALL Do It!) KISS & SERVE Your Way To Success!
What Do YOU Overcomplicate That You CAN Simply KISS Down and Make The Real Magic Happen For Your and Your Success?? ~ STOP IT!
CHALLENGE... KISS Your Way To Success! - Just DO IT!
Original Post/Riddle/Question: Post Your Answer In The Comments... Let's See How It Goes! - Remember, I WILL Delete Your Answer If You Get It RIGHT and Then You GET TO Simply Repost The Question/Riddle on YOU Timeline KNOWN You WON! and Go The Right Answer!
* "Sara saw seven sharks while swimming." ~ Now, how many S's are In this sentence?
What's YOUR Response?
REMEMBER: "You Can't Take a Shower ONCE and Expect To Stay Clean For The Rest of Your Life... You Must Immerse Yourself Over & Over Again. - The SAME Is True of Your Success!"